So, my mama sed it is daywight savin times and I dun know what dat is bc I'm a dog... but I will tell you what. I'm feelin a wacky and crazy pants right now. My eats and sleeps are all throwd off and I dun know what to do. Do not like.
In honor of my wacky sleeps, I tought I'd share with you Levon's Top Ways to Snuggle and Sleep. Levon is usually a very skillz sleepr. Watch and learn, you can teach your goggie bout my awesome.
1. On ur feets
Oh hai, I has drunk eyes |
sumtimes I fall asleep durin glee. don't tell no body |
i got my eye set on you |
good book. |
talentz. |
What? |
sweet babies |
9. in da sunshines
10. wit my toys saffy tucked away
safe and sounz |
Ok kiddos... enuff about me. TTYL LYLAS BFF ROFL LOL LMAO Smooches!
Love and Kibbles,
Levon Elizabeth